Laundry is a routine chore that has been part of our lives for centuries, yet it’s surrounded by a plethora of myths and misconceptions. From the best way to remove stubborn stains to the ideal water temperature for washing clothes, it seems everyone has a laundry tip to share. However, not all these tips are grounded in fact. Today, we’re debunking some of the most common laundry myths and shedding light on evidence-based practises to ensure your clothes come out fresh and clean every time.

Myth 1: More Detergent Means Cleaner Clothes

It’s a common belief that using more detergent will result in cleaner clothes – however, the truth is quite the opposite. Excess detergent can leave a residue on your clothes, making them stiff and irritating to the skin. Furthermore, it can build up in your washing machine, leading to operational issues over time. For the best results, always use the recommended amount of detergent as per your machine’s manual and the detergent packaging.

Myth 2: Hot Water is Essential for Clean Clothes

While hot water can be effective in killing germs and removing certain types of stains, it’s not always necessary. In fact, washing clothes in cold water can be just as effective for most loads, especially with the advancements in laundry detergents designed for cold water. Cold water washing also helps in preserving the colour and fabric of your clothes, extending their lifespan. Reserve hot water washes for heavily soiled items or those needing sanitisation, like bed linens and towels.

Myth 3: Washing Machines Clean Themselves

A common misconception is that washing machines don’t require cleaning. In reality, washing machines can harbour mould, mildew, and detergent buildup, which can lead to unpleasant odours and reduced efficiency. Regularly clean your washing machine by running an empty cycle with hot water and a cup of white vinegar. Additionally, check the manufacturer’s guidelines on how to fix issues with your washing machine, such as dealing with spin or drain problems, to keep it running smoothly.

Myth 4: Fabric Softeners Are Safe for All Fabrics

Fabric softeners are designed to make your clothes feel softer and smell fresh, but they aren’t suitable for all fabrics. Using fabric softeners on moisture-wicking athletic wear, towels, and microfibre cloths can reduce their absorbency and effectiveness. Instead, consider using white vinegar as a natural alternative to soften fabrics without the drawbacks.

Myth 5: Bleach is the Best Stain Remover

Bleach is a powerful cleaning agent, but it’s not always the best option for stain removal; it can weaken fabrics and cause colours to fade. For an effective and gentler alternative, try using oxygen-based bleach, which is safe for most fabrics and colours. Additionally, pre-treating stains with a specialised stain remover before washing can yield better results without damaging your clothes.

Myth 6: Dry Cleaning is the Only Way to Clean Delicate Fabrics

While dry cleaning is recommended for certain delicate fabrics, many items labelled “dry clean only” can be safely hand-washed at home. Use a mild detergent and cold water, and handle the garments gently to avoid damage. Lay them flat to dry to maintain their shape. Always check the care label for specific instructions.

Some Additional Evidence-Based Laundry Practises

  • Sort Clothes Properly: Separate your laundry by colour, fabric type, and soil level to prevent dye transfer and fabric damage.
  • Use the Right Water Temperature: Match the water temperature to the fabric type and soil level for optimal cleaning.
  • Don’t Overload the Machine: Overloading can prevent clothes from getting clean and put a strain on the machine – leave enough room for clothes to move freely.
  • Maintain Your Washing Machine: Regular maintenance can prevent issues and extend the life of your machine. Refer to professional advice on how to fix issues with your washing machine to address any problems promptly.

By debunking these common laundry myths and adopting evidence-based practices, you can ensure your laundry is not only clean but also well-cared for, preserving the quality and longevity of your clothes. Remember, when in doubt, always refer to your appliance’s manual and consider professional advice for any persistent issues.Happy washing!