HVAC systems are a central part of any residential dwelling’s operation. Unfortunately, they’re also not perfect.

HVAC systems require ongoing work and maintenance to keep running smoothly throughout their lifespan. Scheduling regular maintenance with certified technicians is important to avoid needing breakdown HVAC repairs during the winter season.

The issue is that standard wear and tear can create false impressions on homeowners that their systems are failing. Some HVAC mistakes are more avoidable than others.

Read on to learn about the common mistakes in residential HVAC repairs.

1. Failing to Reset the System After Repairs

One of the most common mistakes is failing to reset the system after repairs. Repair professionals should ensure they calibrate the system’s settings after repairs. This will ensure the system is running in peak condition.

They should also make sure to discuss the changes with the homeowner. Make sure to understand the importance of resetting the system after repairing HVAC units.

2. Failing to Check and Replace Filters

Dirty filters can lead to airflow restrictions. This causes the system to work harder and use more energy to maintain the desired temperature. Homeowners should check their filters regularly to ensure they are not dirty and replace them as needed.

It’s also important to check the size of the filter and make sure it is compatible with the HVAC system to maximize airflow efficiency. Properly labeling each filter size can make it easier to find the correct filter when it needs to be replaced.

3. Leaving Wires Open While Conducting a Repair

When performing HVAC repairs, one of the most common mistakes made is leaving wires open while working on the unit. All wires should be carefully disconnected and bundled together away from direct contact with any surface when repairing the unit.

4. Not Specifying the Correct Size for the Unit

Not specifying the correct size for the HVAC unit is one of the most common mistakes in residential HVAC repairs. Homeowners should only depend on professional technicians with the right knowledge and skills.

Technicians should also use level gauges and thermometers to check refrigerant amounts and temperatures during the installation.

5. Not Identifying the Source of the Problem

One of the most common mistakes in a residential HVAC system is not fully identifying the source of HVAC unit damage before attempting a repair. First, assess why the problem occurs and identify the true source of the issue. 

Professional Fieldpiece HVAC tools help to ensure accuracy and reduce the amount of time spent on each job. Up-to-date training helps to teach technicians the most current methods and knowledge needed to complete HVAC repair work correctly.

6. Using the Incorrect Replacement Parts

One of the common mistakes made in residential HVAC repairs is using incorrect replacement parts. HVAC technicians need to examine the existing parts carefully to determine the necessary specifications and brand of the part.

Technicians should always check their work to make sure the parts fit correctly and match the brand.

Save Money by Avoiding These Mistakes in Residential HVAC Repairs

Always follow manufacturer instructions for the HVAC system. Research manufacturers and read reviews before making any purchases. Additionally, make sure any repairs or modifications are done by certified professionals.

By avoiding these mistakes in residential HVAC repairs, homeowners can avoid potential missteps and keep their HVAC running smoothly. For more information, contact a licensed and certified HVAC repair company today.

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