If you’re still wondering how often to wash your hair, the answer depends on three things: your type of hair, environment, and lifestyle. What applies to others may not necessarily apply to you. Your hair-washing routine may also require using specific products for long-lasting results, such as a red shampoo to bring out the red tones of your brunette locks. What determines the frequency of hair washing for you?

1. Hair Type

Oily hair

Oily hair happens because the scalp produces more natural oil. This may be due to genetics, age, or environment. Whichever is the case, oily hair is best washed every day or every other day.

Dandruff-prone hair

Having dandruff can be itchy, prompting you to wash your hair as a way to ease the discomfort. You don’t want to dry out your scalp, however, as it will promote more dandruff. It’s recommended to wash your hair three to four times a week.

Curly hair

Curly hair tends to be drier because oil doesn’t reach the roots. Washing it every day can cause more dryness. A good rule of thumb is to wash once a week if your hair is thick and curly and twice a week if it’s less dense.

Dry or damaged hair

Dry or damaged hair is often a result of overwashing, stripping away the natural oils necessary to nourish it. It’s important to give the oil time to flow from root to tip. So stick to a washing schedule of twice per week.

Kinky or curly hair

Just like curly hair, kinky hair is prone to dryness. You don’t want to dry it further by washing it frequently. To keep your hair hydrated and healthy, washing once a week is recommended.

2. Environment

If you live in a city, especially a busy one, you may notice that your hair collects more dirt and dust. This will affect your hair’s appearance, requiring you to wash more often to get rid of these airborne pollutants. Changes in weather may also require you to change your hair-washing routine. During the cold months, for example, there’s less moisture in the air, increasing scalp dryness. In the summer, you sweat a lot, and the scalp produces more oil.

3. Lifestyle

Do you live an active lifestyle? Do you often use styling products in your hair? Your answer will tell you how often to wash your hair. If you jog every day to stay fit, you may need to wash more often to refresh your scalp.

With a better understanding of your hair type, environment, and lifestyle, you’ll know how frequently (or not) to wash your hair to keep it gorgeous and healthy. If you’re looking for products that can help you effectively care for your hair, explore what Budget Hair & Beauty offers.