The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed how businesses operate. One sector that has been particularly affected is the events industry. Trade shows, conferences, and exhibitions used to be the lifeblood of many businesses. For Chicago trade show booth builders, it meant braving new challenges and adopting new strategies to stay afloat.

The Initial Impact of COVID-19 on Trade Show Booth Builders

The pandemic caught many Chicago trade show booth builders off guard. With events being canceled left and right, their business came to a grinding halt. Large gatherings were banned, and people were staying at home. The industry was devastated as many businesses canceled or postponed their events.

Many trade show booth builders saw their revenue streams dry up overnight. They had to lay off their employees, which was a tough decision for many. Businesses that depended on trade shows to generate leads and close deals were left scrambling for new ideas.

Adapting to the New Normal

As the pandemic progressed, many trade show booth builders started to adapt. Virtual events and webinars became the new norm. While they couldn’t provide the same experience as physical events, virtual events could still provide some form of interaction and engagement.

Chicago trade show booth builders had to pivot their services to meet the needs of virtual events. They had to learn how to design and build virtual booths and create virtual experiences that could replicate the excitement and energy of in-person events.

The Future of Trade Shows

The future of trade shows is uncertain. With the pandemic still raging on, many businesses are hesitant to attend physical events. However, virtual events may not be enough to replicate the same value as physical events. The face-to-face interactions and personal connections made at physical events are difficult to replicate virtually.

Chicago trade show booth builders should be prepared to adapt to the changing needs of their clients. They should have contingency plans for both physical and virtual events. Trade show booth designers and builders should strive to create booths that can work for both physical and virtual events.


The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the events industry to its core. Trade show booth builders in Chicago have had to face unexpected challenges and adapt to new strategies to maintain their businesses. While the future of physical events is uncertain, trade show booth builders should be prepared to provide their clients with both physical and virtual solutions. The road ahead may be uncertain, but with creativity and adaptability, the events industry can still thrive.