Real estate agents are constantly stuck with the old marketing methods, but they’ve always been tired and unproductive. The days of the “have a yard sign and hope someone drives by to buy it” are over.

New agents are now turning into lead generators and successful in real estate by implementing these advanced methods, and the results are astounding. New real estate agents use proven methods to turn into lead generators.

1. Engage with Their Sphere of Influence

New agents need to engage with their sphere of influence. The old school methods of doing this are now outdated, as the world has changed dramatically. You have to build a rapport with your sphere of influence by connecting and providing value; it’s just not enough to ask them for a contact you can call on later.

Be proactive; go to their homes and talk to them like they are old friends. This can be especially helpful at networking events and charity events, as these people genuinely want to help you.

By providing value, putting in the extra effort, and building a relationship with them, you will be surprised at how easy it is to build your sphere of influence.

2. Frequently Post on Social Media

Social media is a great way to generate leads by utilizing social media platforms. Using a service like Tweet Jukebox, you can streamline posting on social media and then watch all of your social media posts come to life while receiving alerts whenever someone engages with you.

This is likely to attract new people to your business. You may be thinking, “okay, I post a few times on Facebook and Twitter; I’m covered.” Probably not. Your posts have to be deliberate and strategic to get the return you need out of them. Posting on social media is much like sending out an email.

You want to be specific, thought out, and content-rich. If you promote a new listing or event with multiple pictures, it’s a good idea to add a few comments to your posts. Also, it may be beneficial to add some hashtags to your posts so they can be found more easily by others.

You can also use this platform to establish authority as an agent by posting blogs, question and answer sessions, and helpful articles. This way, you can attract and engage with people you’re connected with and never even knew.

3. Start an Email Newsletter

An email newsletter is a great way to generate leads through your business contacts. It is also a wonderful way to build your brand. People like getting newsletters as they feel like they receive valuable information directly from you.

New agents can make it the centerpiece of their marketing strategy by using it often and sending only value to their subscribers. It’s a great opportunity to cause a ripple effect, as people choose to read your articles or respond due to curiosity, which leads them to your website for more information about you.

An email newsletter can be created through WordPress, Blogger, Type pad, or any other email service that allows you to provide your content. This is a great way to build your sphere of influence, as you can link to other pages on your website and send the reader directly there.

A newsletter should contain at least two to three articles of high quality and add value to the readers so they keep coming back for more. This way, you will always have something fresh and new to send on, and your sphere of influence will be further expanded.

This can be instrumental in generating leads, as people will get to know you, and this way, you can keep your name in front of them.

4. Geo Farm, a Neighborhood

This strategy has been around for a while, but many agents are still unaware of the benefits. Geo Farm, your neighborhood is making an open house list of homes in an area and then coordinating the open houses with real estate companies and moving companies late in selling your home.

Your sphere of influence becomes expanded by contacting their customers who may have expressed interest in other homes on this same street. This is a great strategy because you are contacting people very close to your home, so they can easily see if it’s something they may also be interested in.

The result of this strategy is that you get to contact your sphere of influence and potential clients simultaneously.

It’s so effective when generating listings since so many people need the same services; you can streamline the process and provide value to your sphere of influence.

This may be costly to implement, but it’s well worth it, as you will find yourself coordinating and networking with other real estate agents that you may never have met or even thought about working with in the past.

5. Attending Network Events

You need to be seen at networking events, as you can easily build your sphere of influence by connecting with past clients and new prospects.

Take the microphone or ask questions to get everyone talking about you because everyone is watching how you interact with people. These events are a great opportunity for new agents to network and meet people who may become their company’s customers.

It’s important to remember that you need to give value and information at these events. You want to be seen as an expert in your field, so take the time to get there early and speak with the people running the event. This way, you will be thought of as important and someone who is looking out for your best interests.

6. Send Out Postcards

Postcards can be a powerful way for new agents to build their sphere of influence. Postcards are a great way to reach people that have moved away from the area and may consider relocating in the future.

You could even post a card for your business for the new agent currently selling your home, letting them know that you are happy with their efforts and service. There are several ways that you can write a postcard.

With a short note, include your home address and phone number, or be more creative by writing an email and then printing it on a postcard. You also have a digital document that includes your contact information.

Another great thing is to send postcards out to your clients and prospects. Using this strategy, you will not only be reaching out to new leads, but you’ll also be establishing yourself as someone who is interested in their needs and wants.


These are some great strategies that new real estate agents can use to generate leads and build their sphere of influence. Once you get started, you’ll notice that the work becomes easier and more enjoyable. It all takes time, but it will pay off if you put in the time during prospecting.

Real estate agents have an amazing opportunity, as they can have a significant impact on their neighborhoods and the world around them. They can make each day count by serving their scope of influence and becoming a community leader.